Radvocates Program Announced | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT
The Radix Community is proud to have highly active members who advocate Radix to new and existing community members. These individuals go above and beyond to advance understanding and engagement with Radix and align themselves with the vision of Radix becoming the Layer-1 platform that can scale decentralized finance to the mainstream.
While all engaged Radix community members can proudly call themselves Radvocates, there are those who deserve recognition for consistently going the extra mile to help further the project, our vision, and the Radix community. That is why we are happy to announce that the next phase of the Radvocates Program starts today.
Why Radix Needs Radvocates?
As with all new technologies, the success of the Radix Ledger depends on adoption. Adoption in decentralized communities happens when members become active contributors and can participate in different ways, and have ownership over the long-term direction of the community.
While everyone who supports Radix is a Radvocate, as the community grows, there is a need to identify and encourage those who are taking the lead in driving the community forward. This is where the Radvocates Program comes in!
The objective of the Radvocate Program is to support active contributors in growing the Radix community further while providing a progression path for those who want it. Being part of the Radvocate Program means being a consistent contributor to the Radix community, helping lead the conversation, and stimulating community growth by attracting new people and informing and engaging with those who might wish to increase their participation in the Radix community.
What Makes a Great Radvocate?
Radvocates may be enthusiasts, academics, artists, developers, or anything in between. At Radix, we welcome everyone to help us advance our mission.
Joining the Radvocates Program is the first step on the progression path for those who wish to contribute more to the Radix community. Those in the program are advocates for Radix who are looking to take on more consistent roles in managing and leading different parts of the community or creating technical and inspirational material regularly. When we assess applicants for joining the program, what matters is a genuine interest in Radix, the desire to play an active role in the growth of Radix, and to want to advance the awareness of Radix and its community.
There are a few stages of advancement within the Radvocates Program, detailed below:
Radvocate — this is an entirely open stage; once you join the Radix community, you’re a Radvocate; welcome to the tribe!
Trial Radvocate — for those wanting to get involved more regularly, this is the first step. If you have shown consistent contributions to the Radix community, reach out to one of the community team or existing leaders in the Radvocates Program to apply. The process will involve understanding why you want to get involved and how you want to help grow the Radix community! Once you have successfully completed your trial period, expect to get an exclusive Radvocate Program swag pack!
Senior Radvocate — for those who have successfully shown commitment to being a Trial Radvocate and added value to the Radix community during this time, you will have the option to join the Radvocate Program as a Senior Radvocate. At this level, you will discuss with the Radix community team to go over what you want to do to make sure we can support your contributions to the community.
Head Radvocate — If a Senior Radvocate has provided significant and consistent value to the Radix community, the community team may offer advancement to a Head Radvocate position. Head Radvocates will be responsible for taking a leadership position within the Radix community, such as leading community activity in a specific region or within a particular working group.
Radvocate Awards
We (the Radix team) acknowledge the value that Radvocates bring to the community. Many have, and more will continue to prove themselves by answering the calls to contribute and by driving meaningful outcomes to benefit the Radix Community, all selflessly without monetary incentive.
To help support those who join and contribute at the Senior and Head Radvocate level, we may offer awards of XRD to these Radvocates. These token awards may be given for a specific, exceptional contribution or regularly (e.g., monthly). The amount per award will depend on the contributions made, but it will generally be around $500 per month in XRD. We believe this will help better retain these individuals and help them provide even more benefit to the Radix Community.
Next Steps
We will be reaching out to community members in the coming days and weeks who have already shown continued results and contributions to the Radix community to offer them the first positions within the Radvocates Program. If there are people you feel should be considered, please reach out to mikael@radixdlt.com.
Once we have confirmed the initial participants, we will announce them to the community. From there, we will work with the first Radvocates to expand the program as necessary.
Originally published at https://www.radixdlt.com.