Scrypto NFT Challenge Results | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT


December 1, 2022

Hello community!

Isn’t it crazy just how fast time flies? What is even crazier is the amount of Scrypto blueprints that have been created since the beginning of the Scrypto challenges 🤯. So far, we’ve received 64 submissions, so if you have participated in any of the challenges so far then a massive well done to you. We set these challenges to help push our community out of their comfort zones and showcase the talent we have around us, so a big thank you to everyone who has shared this journey with us, why not check out all the entries on this GitHub repository.

If you are a Scryptonaut, Piers (CEO of RDX Works) has a message for you…

Now as we come close to drawing a line under the year, during the month of December, we are going to take a break from Scrypto challenges to give you the opportunity to polish your Scrypto skills ready for 2023 and reward yourself with well-deserved relaxation during the holidays.

You might also be asking yourself “what is a good way to get started with Scrypto?” and thinking about ways you can get to a level where you’ll feel confident submitting blueprints for the challenges. Well, good news. We recently launched the beta version of the Scrypto 101 course, meaning you can participate as a beta tester! This is a great way to learn the basics of Scrypto and get you started on your dApp development journey.

To register as a beta tester for the course, come and speak with us in the #scrypto channel of our Discord server where someone from the RDX Works team will give you instructions on how to register.

For the 6th and final challenge of 2022, we asked developers to come up with a Scrypto blueprint where they used non-fungible tokens in novel and original ways. You probably know NFTs as a way to represent art on decentralized networks, but did you know that it can be so much more than that? This use-case is only the tip of the iceberg.

By looking at the three winning submissions of the Scrypto NFT challenge, you will learn about other useful ways in which non-fungible tokens can be used. So let’s move on to the part we have all been waiting for… the Scrypto NFT challenge winners announcement! 🏆

Each entry was judged based on the following five criteria:

  • Quality and asset-orientedness of the code: did the participant show a good understanding of the asset-oriented programming paradigm?
  • Breadth of functionality: the more we could do with the submitted package, the more points the participant got.
  • Creativity of the concept: was the idea creative and original?
  • Quality of the documentation and comments in the code: did the participant provide documentation to make it easier to understand the code?
  • Usage of the frontend javascript SDK or the transaction manifest: did the participant show a good understanding of the frontend SDK or the transaction manifest?

Now, without further ado, the winners are…

1st place: RadSense by backyard-coder

For this entry, backyard-coder decided to build a decentralized version of Google AdSense, a platform that people use to get their ads displayed on the internet. Many parts of the RadSense system are tokenized. User information is stored inside a NFT that is used to authenticate them. The ad itself is represented by an NFT that is owned by the advertiser. Website ad slots are also represented as NFTs and contain information such as the tags describing the website, the size constraints and the list of people who are allowed to decide which ads get displayed in this slot.

In RadSense, there are three types of users: advertisers, ad-slot providers (owners of websites) and ad brokers. Users of this last type, are the link between ad-slot providers and advertisers. They are the ones that find ads posted by advertisers and decide which ad-slot will display them. They are also responsible for invoicing the advertisers and delivering the money to the ad-slot providers.

Backyard-coder even implemented a way for advertisers to dispute their invoice through a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). Something cool is that for this submission, backyard-coder didn’t write the whole DAO from scratch, he used the DAO system he built during the previous competition. This shows how straightforward it is to connect different blueprints together using Scrypto.

With his submission, backyard-coder will receive $8500 worth of XRD.

“Developing with Scrypto was a lot of fun, as always. It was especially cool to see that the asset-oriented model is also perfect for non-DeFi applications. Representing real-world objects as moveable and ownable assets makes a lot of sense in other domains as well.”backyard-coder

2nd place: MoonWork by talesofbeem

Moonwork is a decentralized freelancer platform. There are two types of user on the platform: contractors and clients. People can register as either type and get a non-fungible token that represents their identity on the platform. Clients can list the projects they have and contractors can query the ledger to find available projects to work on. Once a contractor finishes a job, they get a “WorkCompleted” soulbound NFT in their account. This “soulbound” part means that once they receive it, they cannot transfer it to someone else. This means that anyone looking at the resources in the contractor’s account can see all the work they have done in the past. If you want to know more about soulbound tokens, read our article about it here.

Just like the submission that won first place, Talesofbeem came up with a dispute resolution DAO system. This consists of a component that is used whenever the freelancer and the client need to settle on some issues. Having a DAO that works with the main dApp you’re building which allows its users to vote on certain things is a pattern that is seen regularly, as people are starting to like using tools that they know aren’t controlled by a single entity that can decide on everything.

Finally, beem did an amazing job when writing the tests of its Scrypto package. You can see here that they wrote a test for every method and function available in their package (that’s around 5000 lines of code just for the tests!). This is great for the community because they can take this submission as an example when looking into writing the tests for their blueprint.

With this submission, talesofbeem will receive $4500 worth of XRD.

“I wanted to show people what it means to leverage NFT as a technology. As a result, I came up with MoonWork, this idea is the perfect use case for NFTs which for this service means complete transparency of work and disputes held between clients and contractors.

Scrypto makes abstracting ideas into code easier than most smart contract tools. I thought that testing was quite limited but actually, we just need a bit more understanding about querying the substate store. Once I got the hang of this, it was reasonably okay to create test helpers. With my newfound knowledge of testing, I am now more confident in being able to produce production-ready blueprints! Can’t wait for Babylon!”talesofbeem

3rd place: Neverland by alanci

In their submission, alanci explored different ways in which non-fungible tokens can be used to represent items and data in a metaverse. To achieve this, they built an ecosystem of Scrypto blueprints in which users are identified with a soulbound NFT. This NFT is what follows them throughout the ecosystem and is used to keep track of their interactions within Neverland.

The ecosystem alanci built starts with the blueprints that make up the “Land Protocol”, where users can register as residents of Neverland. On registration, they get an identity NFT that stores things such as the real-estate properties they own and their active loans. It also stores education data for the residents who go through the “Academy” part of the ecosystem. This academy connects students with teachers and offers a way to keep track of the education history of the students. Teachers can open new courses and publish tests that students can take.

A second set of blueprints that make up this ecosystem is used to manage an on-chain real-estate market and a house construction system. People who went through architecture courses in the academy can submit construction projects to the protocol and land owners can buy a project and find people to work on it. To acquire lands, there is a market that implements three different trading methods. People can buy land for a fixed price, a variable price through an auction or through a raffle (where a random participant gets the land).

This only covers a small portion of everything alanci included in their submission. The amount of features in this Scrypto package is wild. Just take a look for yourself here.

With their submission, alanci will receive $2000 worth of XRD.

“Implementation of SBT (Soul-bound tokens) and NFT into citizen’s everyday life could extend — as well as melt — cities from physical urban agglomerations to ephemeral yet extremely efficient Metaverse entities.

In Neverland concept non-fungibility and immutability of such tokens certify citizens’ digital identity as well as their owned assets, and their achieved degrees. Land parcels are auctioned to citizens, and Asset NFTs are minted to testify their legitimate ownership.

Working with powerful but ductile Scrypto’s Lego-style approach during this challenge has been extremely inspiring and gratifying as the concept took shape, at the point it was hard to take a break the last few days to be able to write down docs stuff. It scared me a bit to see what you can achieve in terms of code in a limited timeframe with Scrypto.”alanci

We would like to congratulate everyone who participated in this competition! You all did an amazing job. A market like this is the perfect moment for sharpening your Scrypto skills as you will be ready for the next positive cycle. We hope you learned a lot from this competition, as we can expect from the previous feedback we received. It’s also a great time to perfect your Scrypto skills because Babylon is approaching fast.

In case you missed the last Radix report, the Babylon Betanet is launching by the end of December. This will bring long-awaited features and a way for you to try a full-stack experience that is closer to what you can expect for Babylon.

Stay tuned to our Radix Discord channel and join our developer mailing list to be among the first to learn about our developer events and upcoming competitions next year.

Thanks everyone — keep coding awesome stuff!‍

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Radix DLT — The Decentralized Finance Protocol

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